Standing Water? Standing IN Water? Call now.
If your building is flooded, stop reading and call !
If you’ve had previous damage from water and it’s less of an emergency, you can call us or contact us by email.
Standing Water? Standing IN Water? Call now.
If your building is flooded, stop reading and call us!
If you’ve had previous damage from water and it’s less of an emergency, you can call us or contact us by email.

3 Reasons Why Your House Might Flood

The inside of your home is usually supposed to stay nice and dry. Sure, a little water might get on the floor now and again when you’re washing the dishes or getting out of the shower. However, for the most part, H2O doesn’t get everywhere until disasters strike. It’s never good when such incidents occur, as they flood peoples’ houses and cause water damage. Wood floors and drywall walls can get ruined because of the events, but so can carpeting, furniture, electronics, and more.
Waiting for the water to disappear can be like watching paint dry or grass grow. Why? Because without some help, the process can sometimes feel as if it takes forever. Luckily, Southeastern Wisconsin homeowners don’t have to wait, wait, and wait some more, though. Instead, they can contact us for water & flood damage cleanup and restoration. Our technicians are available 24/7/365, and yes, that does include holidays. Our team has helped many residents deal with catastrophes over the years, and we will gladly assist you as well. Now, it is time to look at some of the reasons why your house may flood.
A Massive Thunderstorm Or Squall
When clouds come rolling into the Milwaukee area, that’s not always a bad thing. After all, our plants, flowers, trees, and crops need water. But, flooding can occur when a storm stays parked in the same location, dumping inches and inches of rain. Streams, rivers, lakes, and more can fill up in a hurry and overflow. Then, the water has nowhere else to go but inside buildings and homes. Hence, when thunderstorms or squalls pop up, that could be why your place floods.
A Water Line Break
Sometimes, houses have water pipes in the walls, below floors, and inside ceilings. After all, H2O has to get to fixtures in bathrooms, laundries, and kitchens. That’s fine and dandy, providing that a crack or break doesn’t happen. However, those issues do sometimes occur because of homes settling, a pipe’s age, or mishaps. As for the latter, for instance, maybe a person is cutting out a piece of drywall with a reciprocating saw, only to slice right through a plastic pipe or fitting. The point is that most water lines, regardless of what material they are, may eventually start leaking, and if the ones in your house begin dispersing water like someone turned a faucet on full blast, you could have a flood on your hands.
A Burst Water Heater
Many builders install water heaters in attics, or if not, homeowners have the task done later on. Why? Because it frees up space downstairs that people can use for whatever they like, that’s why. That’s excellent news, that is, until the 30, 40, or 50-gallon tank ruptures. When that happens, all of the water inside the tank can flood a person’s house. Plus, if they don’t turn off the H2O, even more water will join the party.
Call ERS If You Need Flood Damage Repair in Milwaukee
These are some reasons why your house might flood. If it does, please, don’t hesitate to contact us. ERS Emergency Restoration Specialists, Inc. has over 30 years serving home and business owners in Milwaukee and surrounding areas. Put our experience to work for you when a flood happens, and let’s get that water removed and cleaned up.